
H&W: 1094 1095 Reporting – Extensions & Substitute Forms

Filing Extensions As the countdown to our first 1094 1095 reporting season creeps ever closer to the ominous filing deadline, many employers continue to scramble to pull off this new IRS requirement.  What if you find yourself running short on

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 15, 2015

H&W: Notice 2015-60: PCORI Fees

The latest PCORI fee amounts have been released! Notice 2015-60 announced the PCORI fee for policy years and plan years that end on or after October 1, 2015, and before October 1, 2016.  The new fee amount is $2.17 which is an

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 15, 2015

401(k): Find and Fix – Participant Loans Weren’t Administered According to Plan Terms

An employee comes to you after taking out a loan against her 401(k).  She explains that it has been several months and no repayments are being taken out of her pay.  What needs to be done?  What should you do

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 12, 2015

H&W: Expansion of Small Group Definition Thwarted!

On October 7, 2015, President Obama signed the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act (“PACE”) which preserves the definition of small employer to mean an employer that employs 1-50 employees.  Prior to this newly signed legislation, the Affordable Care Act

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 9, 2015

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