
H&W: Reinsurance Contribution Rates for 2016

November 26, 2014: The Department of Health and Human Services released proposed 2016 Reinsurance Contribution Rates. Click Here The proposed reinsurance contribution rate for 2016 is $27 annually per enrollee. As a reminder, ACA requires health insurance issuers and self-funded group

Dan Fahrner January 7, 2015

H&W: ACA Forms 1094 & 1095 Reporting

 You heard it was coming and you’ve seen it start to arrive. You’ve also heard the old saying, “In Like a Lion and Out Like a Lamb,” or vice versa, and although that saying has nothing to do with health

Dan Fahrner January 7, 2015

H&W: Low Stop-loss Specs and the ACA

The Department of Labor (“DOL”) recently issued guidance [TR 2014-01] expressing its views on whether ERISA preempts state regulation of stop-loss insurance.  This guidance will be of interest to employers that sponsor self-insured health plans and purchase stop-loss coverage with

Dan Fahrner January 7, 2015

H&W: 401(k): Advance copies of 2014 Form 5500

The U.S. Department of Labor's Employee Benefits Security Administration released advance informational copies of the 2014 Form 5500 and related instructions on December 15, 2014. These advance copies are for informational purposes only and cannot be used to file an annual return.

Dan Fahrner January 7, 2015

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