
Two Cost-Sharing Changes Provide Flexibility for Grandfathered Plans

On December 15, 2021, the Departments of Labor, Health & Human Services, and Treasury ("Departments") issued a final rule ("Rule") expanding cost-sharing requirements for grandfathered group health plans and insurance coverage to adjust for inflation and permit preservation of High

Peter Iverson, Esq. December 17, 2020

IRS Releases Final Regulations on Rollovers of 401(k) Qualified Plan Loan Offsets

On December 7, 2020, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued its final regulations addressing rollovers of qualified retirement plan (particularly 401(k) plan) loan offset amounts. Proposed regulations covering this subject were issued on August 17, 2020 (see our previous blog

Dan Bond December 10, 2020

Coronavirus-Related Distributions Quickly Coming To An End

IRS RELEASES DRAFT FORM 8915-E IMPORTANT! The CARES Act provisions regarding “coronavirus-related distributions” are currently set to expire on December 31, 2020. Therefore, participants who believe they meet the qualification requirements and may be entitled to a coronavirus-related distribution should

Dan Bond December 7, 2020

New SBC Template Required for Plan Years Beginning January 1, 2021

For Plan years beginning January 1, 2021 and thereafter, the use of an updated Summary of Benefits and Coverage ("SBC") form is required. Recall, a plan must use the SBC template and supporting Glossary of Terms to ensure plan details

Peter Iverson, Esq. December 3, 2020

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