
Millennial Healthcare: Convenience & Choice

The workforce is changing; 83 million Millennials (as defined by birth dates between 1981-1996) may soon make up the largest segment of our workforce. This means that what Millennials value regarding their healthcare (convenience, speed and price transparency) is likely

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 10, 2018

Final Forms Released: IRS Forms 1094 & 1095

Today, The IRS released its final Forms 1094 & 1095 and related instructions for the 2018 tax year. There are “B” and “C” versions of the forms. “B” forms (1094-B and 1095-B) are to be filed by minimum essential coverage

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 4, 2018

Is your Wellness Program “All Well and Good?” Three Steps to Shore-Up your Wellbeing Programs.

Wellness is an employer hot topic, the fire fueled, no doubt, by the recent federal ruling from AARP v. EEOC where the court vacated portions of the EEOC’s rule regarding wellness program incentive limits.  Before the decision, EEOC rules permitted

Peter Iverson, Esq. September 27, 2018

Draft IRS Forms 1094 & 1095 Released

Today, The IRS released draft Forms 1094 & 1095 along with related instructions for the 2018 tax year. “Wait…what are these forms, who files them and who gets them?” Great questions!  Here’s a recap: First, there are “B” and “C”

Peter Iverson, Esq. September 13, 2018

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