
401(k) 2018 Inflation Adjustments

The IRS has provided 2018 inflation adjustments that could impact certain dollar limits that apply to 401(k) plans. An overview of the guidance on the 2018 401(k) plan limits is provided below. Limits on Participant Contributions: The maximum contribution limit has been

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 26, 2017

H&W 2018 Health FSA Contribution Limit

The IRS has released Revenue Procedure 17-58 which presents the 2018 cost-of-living adjustments for several tax-related limits including those for the health flexible spending arrangements ("Health FSA").  For  taxable years beginning in 2018, the dollar limitation on voluntary employee salary reductions for

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 24, 2017

H&W IRS Finalizes 2017 Version of Forms 1094 and 1095 along with Instructions

The 2017 version of 1094 and 1095 reporting forms and instructions have been finalized by the IRS.   There are very few changes from the 2016 version of the forms, but those changes that were made are isolated to the expiration

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 10, 2017


The latest PCORI fee amount has been released! Notice 2017-61 announced the PCORI fee for policy years and plan years that end on or after October 1, 2017, and before October 1, 2018.  The new fee amount is $2.39 which is an

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 10, 2017

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