
H&W 1094/1095-C FAQs Released

As employers prepare to begin the 2nd year of ACA reporting, the IRS has released additional FAQs that applicable large employers (“ALE”) may find helpful with regard to the 1094/1095-C forms.   As a reminder, an ALE generally means an employer

Peter Iverson, Esq. January 3, 2017

H&W 21st Century Cures Act

Qualified Small Employer HRAs Congress has passed the 21st Century Cures Act that, among other things, allows small employers to maintain general-purpose, stand-alone health reimbursement arrangements (“HRA”) that will not be considered group health plans.  What this means is that

Peter Iverson, Esq. December 27, 2016

H&W Avoiding Discrimination:  Former Employee HSA Contributions

The IRS recently issued a private letter ruling answering whether or not an employer could contribute a different amount to a former employee’s HSA than they did to a current employee’s HSA.  The quick answer is, “Yes they can.” However,

Peter Iverson, Esq. November 29, 2016

H&W 2016 Transition Relief for Section 6055 and 6056 Reporting

Extension for Providing Employee Statements The IRS has announced 2016 transition relief that includes a 30 day extension to furnish the Section 6055 & 6056 employee statements to employees.  This extension results in a due date of March 2, 2017 instead

Peter Iverson, Esq. November 21, 2016

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