
2016 Form 5500 – Advance Informational Version Available

The U.S. Department of Labor along with the IRS and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation has released advance informational copies of the 2016 Form 5500 and related instructions. These advance copies are for informational purposes only and cannot be used to

Peter Iverson, Esq. November 10, 2016

H&W New PCORI Fee Announced!

The latest PCORI fee amount has been released! Notice 2016-64 announced the PCORI fee for policy years and plan years that end on or after October 1, 2016, and before October 1, 2017.  The new fee amount is $2.26 which is an

Peter Iverson, Esq. November 7, 2016

401(k) 2017 Inflation Adjustments

The IRS has provided 2017 inflation adjustments that could impact certain dollar limits that apply to 401(k) plans. An overview of the guidance on the 2017 401(k) plan limits is provided below. Limits on Participant Contributions: The maximum and catch-up contribution limits

Peter Iverson, Esq. November 4, 2016

“HIPAA Privacy Notice” Notice

Most people who took Speech 101 in college probably heard the adage, “Tell Them What You’re Going to Tell Them.  Tell Them.  Then Tell Them What you Told Them.”  A version of this communication model may come to mind as

Peter Iverson, Esq. October 26, 2016

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