HHS New Rule On PHI Disclosures for Reproductive Health Care
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is requiring group health plans (as HIPAA covered entities) to modify their rules regarding the uses and […]
Fixed Indemnity Policy Notice Requirements
The Departments of Labor, Treasury and Health and Human Services (the Departments) have issued a new rule that requires health plans and insurers to provide […]
Contraceptive Coverage Guidance Expanded
The Departments of Labor, HHS and Treasury (the Departments) have issued new guidance on the ACA’s requirement that non-grandfathered health plans cover contraceptive care and […]
Cybersecurity and the HIPAA Security Rule
The NIST[1] and the OCR[2] has published its final version of guidance to increase cybersecurity and compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule. The new guidance […]
Annual HIPAA Review for Cybersecurity
The best defense is a good defense! You hear about cybersecurity all the time, and shoring up your defenses and reviewing HIPAA materials on an […]
6 Tips for Getting Compliance Buy-In
Everyone agrees that benefits plan compliance is important… but how important is it to your decision makers? Because compliance isn’t something that receives lots of […]
Gag Clause Attestation Deadline Looming
What is the Gag Clause Attestation? The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 prohibits health plans from entering onto an agreement with plan service providers that […]
State Leave Laws + Employee Benefits
It’s Employee Handbook season! As you are writing your policies, don’t forget that state leave laws may affect your employee benefits! As of October 2023, […]
Grace Period Extended for EFAST2 Credentialing
The U.S. Department of Labor announced the Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) will extend the grace period to obtain new Login.gov credentials for the EFAST2 […]