ERISA Ruling Emphasizes the Need for Detailed Denial Notices 

Recent ERISA Ruling 

In Doe v. Deloitte LLP Grp. Ins. Plan, the Southern District of New York recently ruled for the plaintiff and gave insight into how important claim denial letters are in ERISA compliance.  The court found:  

  • the plan’s denial of benefits was arbitrary and capricious (in legalese: this means “without reasonable explanation” or reasonable basis in fact). This is  because:  
  • the plan administrator failed to adequately explain the basis for the denial,  
  • particularly regarding a single case agreement for an out-of-network provider and  
  • failed to provide adequate notice of the reasons for the denial.  

The Legal Implication 

The decision emphasizes the need for precision and compliance in communicating claim denials under ERISA. Group health plan sponsors must ensure that claim denial notices include all required information, such as specific reasons for the denial and references to applicable plan provisions, to mitigate the risk of litigation.  

It’s group health plan’s duty to ensure the plan’s compliance, even when using third party administrators.  Review the claim administrator’s letters to ensure compliance with ERISA. 

Why This Matters to You  

Here’s what’s at stake if denial letters fall short of ERISA’s standard: 

  • Litigation Risks: Failure to provide detailed, specific denial letters could lead to expensive, time-consuming lawsuits.  
  • Reputational Impact: A court calling your claims process “arbitrary and capricious” doesn’t exactly scream employee trust or confidence.  
  • Operational Strain: Claims that end up in legal limbo require reconsideration, additional resources, and potentially reimplementation of decisions, diverting attention from more strategic work.  


ERISA lays out strict claims procedures, spelling out exactly what denial letters must do. Here’s a quick checklist of what’s required: 

  • Specific Reasons for the Denial: Boilerplate explanations like “out-of-network” aren’t enough; administrators must show they’re considering the unique circumstances of each claim.  
  • References to Plan Provisions: Pinpoint the exact section of the plan that supports the denial.  
  • Clear Appeals Process Info: Participants need detailed instructions to properly prepare their appeals.  

The denial letter in this case didn’t meet these standards. Plus, the court found that the participant wasn’t given enough information to craft a meaningful appeal, which violates ERISA’s full and fair review requirement.  For more information on benefits claims procedure regulation see the EBSA FAQ’s. 

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